Wednesday, December 22, 2010

An Introduction

This is the beginning of something new. Yes, it's a human typing on a keyboard to strangers. But let's, for a second, pretend it's more than that. Let's pretend we're like children during recess, unbound by how boring life can really be. We walk through barren, budget-strapped playgrounds like we are in distant lands. Sparkling under the sun, our skin feels warm and different. There are people and languages and delicious candies that we've never heard of before. There are imposing red gates that lead us into the heart of a mountain. We become lost.

Of course life is never actually boring, but the mysteries our minds can conjure through dreams and imagination can make everything seem dull by comparison. It's like looking at the sun for a few seconds and then realizing only afterward how dark the world really is.

In this blog there will be stuff about music, the news, movies, and various other things that catch my attention. Maybe they made me laugh, or think, or maybe they're the reason I get up in the morning. 

Here is a song that is this blog's reason for waking up in the morning. When Tree of Hearts first opens its eyes each morning, it can be hard. But this song somehow makes everything feel a little bit brighter. It's the inspiration for the name of this blog. It is one of my favorite songs. And I think it's a good way to kick things off.

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl
You're the bird on the brim
Hypnotised by the Whirl

Drink me, make me feel real
Wet your beak in the stream
Game we're playing is life
Love is a two way dream

Leave me now, return tonight
Tide will show you the way
If you forget my name
You will go astray
Like a killer whale
Trapped in a bay

I'm a path of cinders
Burning under your feet
You're the one who walks me
I'm your one way street

I'm a whisper in water
Secret for you to hear
You are the one who grows distant
When I beckon you near

Leave me now, return tonight
The tide will show you the way
If you forget my name
You will go astray
Like a killer whale
Trapped in a bay

I'm a tree that grows hearts
One for each that you take
You're the intruder hand
I'm the branch that you break

--Björk, "Bachelorette," Homogenic

Bjork - Bachelorette by ieoshua

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